Created by: COVID Advocacy NY

Link to Google doc version of toolkit:


Join us in speaking out against a mask ban and urge Governor Kathy Hochul, Mayor Eric Adams, and New York State and New York City elected officials to uphold the right of all New Yorkers to wear a mask.


  • Governor Hochul and NYC Mayor Adams spoke out publicly in June 2024 about pursuing banning masks in NY, including at protests and on subways. 

  • The NY State legislature is out of session until January 2025. However, there are rumors they may return for a special session in 2024 and a mask ban may be one of the things they could address.

  • Two problematic mask ban bills were already introduced in the NY State legislature this year: 

    • A10057A/S09867 - “Establishes the offense of concealment of identity in a lawful assembly, unlawful assembly or riot.”

      • Bill sponsored and co-sponsored by Democrats. 

      • The bill would only allow a limited health exception “during a declared public health emergency,” which ended last year for COVID-19.

    • A10043/S09194 - “Establishes the crimes of deceptive wearing of a mask and aggravated deceptive wearing of a mask”

      • Bill sponsored and co-sponsored by Republicans.

      • The bill does not include a health exception.


1. Contact Governor Hochul.  Urge her not to ban masks. 

2. Contact your NYS Senator and Assemblymember. Urge them to speak out against mask bans and not to support mask ban legislation. 

3. Contact NYS Senate and Assembly leadership. Urge them to speak out against mask bans and not to support mask ban legislation. 

  • NYS Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie 

  • NYS Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins

4. Contact NYS Senate and Assembly Health Committee Chairs. Urge them to speak out against mask bans and not to support mask ban legislation.

  • NYS Senate Health Committee Chair J. Gustavo Rivera

  • NYS Assembly Health Committee Chair Amy Paulin 

    • NOTE: Paulin is a co-sponsor for the mask ban bill A10057A

    • Phone: Albany Office - 518-455-5585

    • Email:

    • Twitter:  @AmyPaulin

5. Contact your local elected officials
, including City Council Members and NYC Borough Presidents. Urge them to speak out against mask bans.

6. Sign up for an account on the NY Senate webpage and let them know you oppose each of the mask ban bills.
There is a question on the right side of the webpage for each bill that asks if you oppose or support the bill. Write that you oppose the bill. In addition, if possible, add a comment expressing opposition to the mask ban bills. 

7. Contact NYC Mayor Adams. 

8. For those not in NY State, you could contact the NY’s Tourism Board
and let them know you won’t be traveling to NY State or are canceling your travel plans to NY State due to the proposed mask ban. 


Twitter: @I_LOVE_NY

More info:

9. Write a letter to the editor or op-ed.
See examples below.

10. Post your opposition to a mask ban on social media and share why you still wear a mask. Use the hashtag #NoNYMaskBan.

11. If you are Jewish, sign on to this sign-on letter to state leaders organized by Jews for Mask Rights. This letter is open to all Jewish people affected by this legislation, whether as New Yorkers, commuters, or tourists.

12. Spread the word! Share a link to this toolkit ( and graphics below to encourage other people to take action.

13. Wear a mask! Post a photo of yourself wearing a mask on social media. If you hold a public event, require masks at your event and post photos with everyone wearing a mask.


For Governor: 

My name is _____ and I live in New York. I’m calling to urge the Governor not to ban masks. 

Explain in a sentence or two why you are against a mask ban.


  • Mask bans endanger my health and the health of all New Yorkers. 

  • I have Long COVID and wear a mask to prevent reinfection and getting worse.

  • I wear a mask to help me stay safe and help protect my partner/child/loved one.  

  • It is easy to catch COVID if you are unmasked. Anyone can become disabled by Long COVID. I need to protect my health.

For NY State Legislators:

My name is ______ and I live in your district in ______. I’m calling to urge the Senator/Assemblymember to speak out publicly against mask bans and not to support mask ban legislation, including bills  A10057A/S09867 and A10043/S09194

(Check the bill links above to see if your legislator is a co-sponsor. If your NY legislator is a co-sponsor, urge them to remove themselves as co-sponsor.)




(Image Description: Drawing of a person wearing a mask and NY hat. Text says: CONTACT YOUR NY STATE SENATOR AND ASSEMBLY MEMBER And urge them to speak out against mask bans and to commit to not support mask ban legislation. #NoNYMaskBan

(Image Description: Drawing of a person wearing a NY hat and wearing a mask. Text says Action Alert CONTACT GOVERNOR HOCHUL and urge her not to ban masks! 518-474-8390.  #NoNYMaskBan 

(Image Description: Text: TAKE ACTION AGAINST A MASK BAN IN NY! Action Toolkit: Picture of a hand holding a bullhorn and COVID Advocacy NY logo and QR code.)